Friday, January 25, 2008

Tick tock tick tock....


Was a tiring day, it felt so right to listen to Creep by Radiohead on my bus from sch to mrt station. yes. it pretty much sets the mood there. Just feeling very weightless and tired and shag. Feels like the right state to listen to someone who sings about his inferior inner self. I can spare him my listening ears. I feel so sad for him. He seems so disposed. Like he wasn't imparted abilities enough to live and be loved. =(

So it was a long satisfying ride home and a not really cool walk home again. It was 9pm~ too early for crispy night air. Reached home to bang into my bro at the door, he's going over to my 5th aunt's place to get some lanterns for his set ( some new year setting film), so i joined him. It had been ages since we last went over to her place. It felt real good. Chit chat a lot and headed to 85 for a wholesome bbq chicken wings supper with my cousin and shioked ourselves with wholesome juicy chicken wings dipped in tangy chilli sauce. Gosh!~ so shiok!~ we finished 10 chicken wings. hohoho!~ It felt great. It would be a pity if we just let our relationships feed on our bare childhood memories. We used to spend a great deal of time together. He used to stay at our place and my mum will take care of all 5 of us, me, bros and him and his bro. It was great fun. Great to have another kid to draw with me. We painted a lot, and drew a great deal. And looking back, it's really interesting that we are both now in art school. We used to be so close and inseperable.

It freaks me out a bit. The sense of confirmation that we already stepped into another stage of life and are really LOOKING BACK. cool and scary. You get this concrete feeling that yes, time IS passing by quickly and significantly. i can almost see myself in the deathbed looking back on my whole life, how i wasted it or lived it. how i smiled and cry. How i loved and hurt. how ppl i love left me and how i am leaving people i love. Perhaps I will be laughing at how massive i saw some problems which now seems insignificant and childish. Perhaps I will be laughing at the silliest casual joke which i still remember. Perhaps I will be thinking of how sweet mangos taste and how i will be missing it.
Perhaps i won't even be able to remember anything and all that was occupying me was physical pain.


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