Wednesday, May 23, 2007

back from camp~ super shag~ made some friends~ attitude and selfish campers this time. super discouraging~ some cute ppl~
airport called to ask me to go again~ with photocopy of bankbook and cert and ic. is this is yes? i think so =)
think i dehydrating~ah~ met an instructor which looked damn likethe sloth in ICE AGE!!!!~ also quite joker~ he's my rumour partner in camp despite the fact that zr is actually working there too~ so weird~ and despite the fact that i never even tok to him before~(when the rumour started) . that's the power of sec2gals~ reminds me of how i used to be~ haha~ i ran into the toilet to see myself in christabell's shades~ so i was shouting " excuse me! urgent!!!" then the gals ask~ instructor!~ why sial? then i say~ i wanna see myself in this shades~ nice nto nice not?!~ then they say nice!~ (ah~ i like trueful gals~ blinks!~)
"why sial? must be boyfriend coming right?!"
"yar!~ must be! ehhh~ luff and giggle~"(other gals)
" ah! must be francis!!!~ AH!!! INSTRUCTOR YOU LIKE FRANCIS!!!"

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! was i such a joker? since i feel some resemblance?! HAHAHA~ DAMN NO LINK~ and the way they say it like the fact is so ME~ haha funny karma~ which mom shd noes it best~ doesnt affect me negatively at all~ haha~ such teasings doesnt work on me much~ due to the large spare allowance of fave skin~

THEN they went to tell francis~ and everytime they see me they sure will run here and shout together~ FRANCIS!!! haha!~ then i will smile and wave to them~ haha~ cheap thrill sial~

yea~ really reminds me of myself at that age~ ah~ really feel age working on me~ as a person~
they are teenagers with a lot of negative and positive attitude but the selfish part somehow turns me off quite badly~ hmm....~

needa sleep~ nitex!~

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